Learning and Building in Public

Must Read Blog For Beginners


4 min read

What is Learning and Building in Public?

What exactly learning in public?

It can be defined as sharing what you are learning with other people in the community. It can be anything, your side project, a coding language, your hobby, etc.

For example, tweeting about your progress, about your side project, making videos, and writing articles about your journey is also one form of learning in public.

Here are some examples:-

About your daily learning updates

Another Productive Day
βœ… Finished 3 Projects of Free Code Camp (including Tribute Page)
(Mobile Snapshot Below πŸ‘‡)
βœ… Little Bit of part of JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures pic.twitter.com/w69OdRBkNK

β€” Sujit Memane (@iAmSujitMemane) November 14, 2022

About your achievements

I got featured in @BusinessInsider!

I am honored to be selected for the @TwilioDevs Searchlight Award, counted amongst these inspiring folks who are creating a better future for developers.

I will keep working towards my mission of empowering developers around the world. pic.twitter.com/lSFdu7o97Q

β€” Kunal Kushwaha (@kunalstwt) November 8, 2022

Who can start?

Anyone, who wants to learn and grow and make their future self more successful. I know starting is the most difficult thing but if you want to grow then it is a necessity. The internet is for everyone, even if you are introverted, you can start nobody will judge you. If you think that my updates about learning will be very small, it doesn't matter because even the master of any field was a beginner once upon a time.

How does Learning in public help you in your career growth?


It will help you to build your personal brand and it will also help you to establish yourself as the credible authority in your Field(Here, I am talking about the Tech Field).


It will build pressure on you but don't worry, I am talking about the positive pressure to be consistent about your learning updates on your public profile, it will not only help you but will also help other who is just going to start their coding/programming journey. The pressure to be consistent not only helps you but it will also motivate other dudes.


If you built your credibility, updated about your learning, and also updated about your projects and skills. Then there are chances that you will be noticed by recruiters. Tech professionals and recruiters will know you that will bring you opportunities around the globe.


Who doesn't like to document their journey from beginner to expert in a particular field? Yes, you are thinking right it will act like your journey book, your future self will be proud of you, you came from nowhere, and now you are one of the experts in that field.

Some Prominent People, Who Were Hardcore Supporters of Learning in Public

Elon Musk


During the early days of Elon Musk, he used to share updates about his company and what is his further plan regarding his company. Now also, after acquiring Twitter 🐦he conducts a poll about the minor decision (recent example, should Trump be unbanned ?) and shares his day-to-day activities with us.

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Kunal Kushwaha

a.jpg This person needs no intro to Tech Twitter Community. Failed JEE twice and made his life great by coming from a tier 3 college. He is a very great supporter of Open Source and Learning in Public. He also believes in giving back to the community that's why he created the YouTube channel where he teaches many CS topics including DSA and DevOps.

Check His YT Channel

Watch Video About Learning in Public

And this list goes...

How can you boost your Learn and Build initiative?


By becoming your disciplined and consistent version, this version will be your best version that will be unstoppable if you want to achieve something great.

Be Consistent


By appreciating your fellow Twitter and Tech mates, like their projects, appreciate their work, comment on their posts, give them tips, and give the source material. This not only boosts their confidence but it will give you a sense of satisfaction. This will also give them the motivation to give back to other what other are giving them.

Be Humble


Don't get demotivated by seeing others' progress, learn from them, take guidance from others, and appreciate them.

Don't Get Demotivated By Seeing Others' Progress

Thank You !